文化社会学(Cultural Sociology)



  • 柳原良江、2016、「カルチュラル・ソシオロジーの系譜と構造解釈学派――質的研究における理論枠組み要請への応答として――日本社会学理論学会」、『現代社会学理論研究』、第10号、102頁~114頁。
  • 赤川学,1999,『セクシュアリティの歴史社会学』勁草書房.
  • ――――,2009、「言説分析は、社会調査の手法たりえるか」,『社会と調査』,第三号,52-58頁,社会調査会.
  • Alexander, Jeffrey C. & Bernhard Giesen, 1987, “From Reduction to Linkage: The long View of the Micro-Macro Debate”, The Micro-macro Link, Berkeley: University of California Press.( =1998、内田健・圓岡偉男訳「序章 還元からリンケージへ――ミクロ‐マクロ論争史をふりかえって」、『ミクロ‐マクロ・リンクの社会理論』新泉社.)
  • Alexander,Jeffrey C., 1990, “Analytic Debates: Understanding the Relative Autonomy of Culture”, Culture and Society, New York: Cambridge University Pres.
  • ――――, 2003, The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology, New York: Oxford
  • ――――, 2005, “Why Cultural Sociology Is Not ‘Idealist’: A Reply to McLennan”, Theory, Culture & Society, 22(19).
  • Alexander, Jeffrey C., Ronald Jacobs, & Philip Smith, 2012,“Introduction: Cultural Sociology Today” , Jeffrey C.Alexander, Ronald Jacobs & Philip Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Back, Les, Andy Bennett, Laura Desfor Edles, Margaret Gibson, David Inglis, Ronald Jacobs & Ian Woodward, 2012, Cultural Sociology: An Introduction, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Geertz, Clifford, 1973, Interpretation of Cultures 2, New York: Basic Books.
  • Cordero, Rodrigo, Francisco Carballo & José Ossandón, 2008, “Performing Cultural Sociology: A Conversation with Jeffrey Alexander,” European Journal of Social Theory, 11(4): 523–542.
  • Emirbayer, Mustafa, 2004, “The Alexander School of Cultural Sociology”, Thesis Eleven, 79:5-15.
  • Hays, Sharon, 1994, “Structure and Agency and the Sticky Problem of Culture”, Sociological Theory, 12: 57-72.
  • Hall, John R, Laura Grindstaff, & Ming-Chang Lo, 2010, “Introduction: Culture, lifeworlds, and globalization”, Handbook of Cultural Sociology, Routledge.
  • Inglis, David, Andrew Blackie & Robin Wagner-Pacifici, 2007, “Editorial: Sociology,Culture and the 21st Century”, Cultural Sociology, 1(1):5-22.
  • 井上俊・長谷正人,2010,『文化社会学入門――テーマとツール』ミネルヴァ書房.
  • 亀山佳明、「文化社会学」、日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ)、(2015年1月5日取得、https://kotobank.jp/dictionary/nipponica/)
  • Lamont, Michèle, 2000, The Dignity of Working Men: Morality and the Boundaries of Race, Class, and Immigration, Harvard University Press.
  • 前田泰樹・水川善文・岡田光弘,2007,『エスノメソドロジー――人々の実践から学ぶ』新曜社.
  • Marshall Battani, David R. Hall, and Rosemary Powers, 1997, “Culture’s structures: Making meaning in the public sphere”, Theory and Society, 26:781-812.
  • McLennan, Gregor, 2005, “The ‘New American Cultural Sociology’: An Appraisal”,  Theory, Culture & Society, 22(6): 19-29.
  • 大野道邦,2011,『可能性としての文化社会学:カルチュラル・ターンとディシプリン』世界思想社.
  • 佐藤健二・吉見俊哉,2007,『文化の社会学』有斐閣.
  • 佐藤成基,「文化社会学の課題――社会の文化理論へ向けて」,『社会志林』第56巻第4号2010,93-126.
  • 盛山和夫,2004,『社会調査法入門』有斐閣.
  • Smith, Philip, 1998, “The New American Cultural Sociology: an introduction”, The New American Cultural Sociology, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Smith, Philip & Alexander Riley, [2001] 2009, Cultural Theory: An Introduction,  Blackwell.
  • 鈴木聡志,2007,『会話分析・ディスコース分析』新曜社.
  • Swidler, Ann, 1986, “Culture in Action: Symbols and strategies”, American Sociological Review, 51 (April):273-286.
  • ――――, 2001, Talk of Love: How Culture Matters, The University Chicago press.
  • Tavory,Iddo & Ann Swidler, 2009, “Condom Semiotics: Meaning and Condom Use in Rural Malawi”, American Sociological Review, 74: 171-189.
  • Turner, Victor, 1982, From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play, Performing Arts Journal Publications.